Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018

Etika Dan Profesionalisme TSI Tugas 2 Minggu Ke 8

Tugas 2
Contoh ciri – ciri profesionalisme di bidang IT adalah :
Keterampilan yang berdasar pada pengetahuan teoretis Profesional diasumsikan mempunyai pengetahuan teoretis yang ekstensif dan memiliki keterampilan yang berdasar pada pengetahuan tersebut dan bisa diterapkan dalam praktek.
 Asosiasi profesional Profesi biasanya memiliki badan yang diorganisasi oleh para anggotanya, yang dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan status para anggotanya. Organisasi profesi tersebut biasanya memiliki persyaratan khusus untuk menjadi anggotanya.
Pendidikan yang ekstensif Profesi yang prestisius biasanya memerlukan pendidikan yang lama dalam jenjang pendidikan tinggi.
Ujian kompetensi Sebelum memasuki organisasi profesional, biasanya ada persyaratan untuk lulus dari suatu tes yang menguji terutama pengetahuan teoretis.
Pelatihan institutional Selain ujian, juga biasanya dipersyaratkan untuk mengikuti pelatihan istitusional dimana calon profesional mendapatkan pengalaman praktis sebelum menjadi anggota penuh organisasi. Peningkatan keterampilan melalui pengembangan profesional juga dipersyaratkan.
Lisensi Profesi menetapkan syarat pendaftaran dan proses sertifikasi sehingga hanya mereka yang memiliki lisensi bisa dianggap bisa dipercaya.
Otonomi kerja Profesional cenderung mengendalikan kerja dan pengetahuan teoretis mereka agar terhindar adanya intervensi dari luar.
 Kode etik Organisasi profesi biasanya memiliki kode etik bagi para anggotanya dan prosedur pendisiplinan bagi mereka yang melanggar aturan.
 Mengatur diri Organisasi profesi harus bisa mengatur organisasinya sendiri tanpa campur tangan pemerintah. Profesional diatur oleh mereka yang lebih senior, praktisi yang dihormati, atau mereka yang berkualifikasi paling tinggi.
Layanan publik dan altruisme Diperolehnya penghasilan dari kerja profesinya dapat dipertahankan selama berkaitan dengan kebutuhan publik, seperti layanan dokter berkontribusi terhadap kesehatan masyarakat.
 Status dan imbalan yang tinggi Profesi yang paling sukses akan meraih status yang tinggi, prestise, dan imbalan yang layak bagi para anggotanya. Hal tersebut bisa dianggap sebagai pengakuan terhadap layanan yang mereka berikan bagi masyarakat.

Etika Dan Profesionalisme TSI Tugas 1 Minggu Ke 8

Tugas 1
Kelompok kedua adalah mereka yang bergelut di bidang perangkat keras (hardware). Pada lingkungan kelompok ini, terdapat pekerjaan-pekerjaan seperti :
Technical engineer
sering juga disebut teknisi, yaitu orang yang berkecimpung dalam bidang teknik, baik mengenai pemeliharaan maupun perbaikan perangkat sistem komputer.
Networking engineer
adalah orang yang berkecimpung dalam bidang teknis jaringan komputer dari maintenance sampai pada troubleshooting-nya.
Deskripsi profesi Networking engineer :
Profesi network engineer adalah salah satu profesi yang cukup diminati karena salah satu profesi IT dengan panghasilan yang lumayan. Network engineer bertanggungjawab untuk memasang dan mendukung komunikasi jaringan komputer dalam organisasi atau antar organisasi. Tujuannya adalah untuk memastikan operasi yang lancar dari jaringan komunikasi untuk menyediakan performanceyang maksimum dan ketersediaan untuk user (staff, client, customer, supplier, dan lain-lain). Jenjang karir profesi ini cukup jelas dan umumnya IT management dijabat oleh orang-orang yang berlatar belakang networking engineer, pada umumnya mereka memegang sertifikat CCNA, CCNP ataupun CCIE. Dengan memegang sertifikat ini, skill mereka dapat diakui secara internasional dan memudahkan dalam memperoleh pekerjaan di negara lain.
Tugas Networking engineer :
Mendesain dan membangun infrastruktur jaringan baik LAN maupun WAN
Memberikan solusi terbaik dalam hal infrastruktur jaringan baik dalam hal peralatan yang digunakan, efisiensi, reliability, security dan aspek-aspek lain yang terkait
Memastikan suatu infrastruktur jaringan computer dapat berfungsi dengan baik.

Keahlian yang diperlukan :
Menguasai konsep dasar mengenai jaringan seperti topologi, protokol-protokol komunikasi, standar-standar networking, media komunikasi data dan keamanan jaringan baik LAN maupun WAN
Menguasai konsep dan desain infrastruktur jaringan dan troubleshooting-nya
Menguasai desain, instalasi dan terminasi media jaringan seperti kabel tembaga/UTP, fiber optic, Wireless communication dll
Menguasai setting, pemanfaatan dan troubleshooting perangkat jaringan seperti router, switch, firewall, proxy, modem dll
Memahami instalasi dan setting PC dan server yang bisa digunakan dalam infrastruktur jaringan seperti domain controller, proxy, filrewall, mailserver dll
Menguasai secara teknis dan praktis mengenai keamanan jaringan / sistem.

Etika dan Profesionalisme TSI Topic 1 Tugas 1"Kode etik profesi bidang TI"

Kode etik profesi bidang teknologi informasi di Indonesia memang belum ada (Yang Tertulis). Namun, kita bisa menerapkan kode etik yang dibuat oleh IEEE. IEEE telah membuat semacam kode etik bagi anggotanya, sebagai berikut:
1. To accept responsibility in making decisions consistent with the safety, health and welfere of the public, and to disclose promptly that might endanger the public or the environment. Artinya setiap anggota bertanggung jawab dalam mengambil keputusan konsisten dengan keselamatan, kesehatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat, serta segera mengungkapkan faktor-faktor yang dapat membahayakan publik atau lingkungan.
2. To avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and to disclose them to affected parties when they do exixt. Intinya ialah sebisa mungkin menghindari terjadinya konflik kepentingan dan meluruskan mereka yang telah terpengaruh oleh konflik tersebut.

Etika dan Profesionalisme TSI "PROFESI IT"

Pengetahuan merupakan hasil dari tahu, dan ini terjadi setelah orang melakukan penginderaan terhadap suatu objek tertentu. Penginderaan, penciuman, rasa, dan raba. Pengetahuan atau kognitif merupakan domain yang sangat penting dalam membentuk tindakan seseorang (overt behavior).
Keterampilan berarti mengembangkan pengetahuan yang didapatkan melalui training dan pengalaman dengan melaksanakan beberapa tugas. 
Menurut saya pengetahuan dan keterampilan sama pentingnya karena tidak akan bisa mengasah keterampilan tanpa adanya pengetahuan, dan begitu juga sebaliknya. Jadi pengetahuan dan keterampilan bukanlah suatu pilihan untuk dipilih. Melainkan  semua itu mesti ­­kita miliki.

Etika dan Profesionalisme TSI "Pendapat tentang threat tidak terstruktur"

Threat tidak terstruktur tidak memiliki metodologi, finansial, dan tujuan seperti pada kategori terstruktur. Threat tidah tersetruktur termasuk “cracker musiman”, karena threat ini disebarkan tanpa memiliki tujuan yang jelas. Threat tidak terstruktur ini tidak begitu berbahaya dengan threat tersetruktur karena tidak memiliki metodologi dan tujuanyang jelas. mungkin threat tidak terstruktur hanya digunakan untuk sekedar iseng atau pelakunya hanya sedang mengerjakan tugas, jadi pelaku membuat threat iseng-isengan ini. Namun, threat ini bisa jadi berbahaya jika program itu di kembangkan lebih lanjut oleh si pelaku dengan adanya tujuan tertentu.

Rabu, 11 Juli 2018


Hak adalah segala sesuatu yang harus di dapatkan oleh setiap orang yang telah ada sejak lahir bahkan sebelum lahir. Di dalam Kamus Bahasa Indonesia hak memiliki pengertian tentang sesuatu hal yang benar, milik, kepunyaan, kewenangan, kekuasaan untuk berbuat sesuatu (karena telah ditentukan oleh undang-undang, aturan, dsb), kekuasaan yang benar atas sesuatu atau untuk menuntut sesuatu, derajat atau martabat. Sedangkan cipta adalah  kemampuan pikiran untuk mengadakan sesuatu yang baru atauangan-angan yang kreatif.
Menurut UU . 19 Tahun 2002 pada Pasal 1 Ketentuan Umum , Hak Cipta adalah “hak ekslusif bagi Pencipta atau penerima hak untuk mengumkan atau memperbanyak ciptaanya atau memberikan izin untuk itu dengan tidak mengurangi pembatasan - pembatasan menurut peraturan perundang -undangan yang berlaku ” dan menurut UU . 28 Tahun 2014 pada Pasal 1 Ketentuan Umum , Hak Cipta adalah “hak ekslusif Pencipta yang timbul secara otomatis berdasarkan prinsip deklaratif setelah suatu ciptaan diwujudkan dalam bentuk nyata tanpa mengurangi pembatasan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang -undangan “.
Hasil karya seseorang harus dilindungi, agar tidak diduplikat atau dicontek oleh orang lain. Untuk itu setiap orang yang menciptakan atau memliki sesuatu yang berguna baik bagi dirinya sendiri maupun orang banyak harus mempunyai hak atas ciptaanya. Hak cipta adalah hak eksklusif yang diberikan negara atau lembaga hukum kepada pencipta untuk mengumumkan dan memperbanyak ciptaannya, sehingga orang lain tidak dapat menggunakan ciptaannya tersebut dengan seenaknya sendiri.

Senin, 09 Juli 2018


VClass ke-3 pengganti pertemuan minggu ke-11
1. Apakah yang menjadi tugas Bank Central?
·         Menetapkan dan melaksanakan kebijakan moneter
a. Menetapkan sasaran moneter
b. Melakukan pengendalian moneter
c. Memberikan kredit atau pembiayaan berdasarkan prinsip syariah (Maks 90 hari)
d. Melaksanakan kebijakan nilai tukar
e. Mengelola cadangan devisa
f. Menyelenggarakan survei (Mikro dan makro)

·         Mengatur dan menjaga kelancaran sistem perbayaran
a. Melaksanakan dan memberikan persetujuan dan izin atas jasa sistem pembayaran
b. Menyampaikan penyelenggara jasa sistem pembayaran untuk menyampaikan laporan c. Menetapkan penggunaan alat pembayaran
d. Mengatur sistem kliring antar bank 
e. Menyelenggarakan penyelesaian akhir transaksi pembayaran antar bank
f. Menetapkan macam, harga, ciri, bahan yang digunakan dan tanggal mulai berlaku alat pembayaran
g. Mengeluarkan, mengedarkan, mencabut, manarik dan  memusnahkan uang rupiah

·         Mengatur dan mengawasi bank
a. Menetapkan ketentuan-ketentuan perbankan yang memuat prinsip-prinsip kehati-hatian b. Memberikan dan mencabut izin usaha bank
c. Memberikan izin pembukaan, penutupan dan pemindahan kantor bank
d. Memberikan persetujuan atas kepemikan dan kepengurusan bank
e. Memberikan izin kepada bank untuk menjalankan kegiatan usaha tertentu
f. Mewajibkan bank untuk menyampaikan laporan

·         Mengatur dan mengawasi bank
a. Melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap bank
b. Memerintahkan bank untuk menhentikan sementara sebagian atau seluruh kegiatan transaksi karena suatu hal
c. Mengatur dan mengembangkan informasi antar bank
d. Mengambil terhadap suatu bank (dalam kondisi membahayakan)
e. Mengawasi bank dilaksankan oleh lembaga pengawasan sektor keuangan yang independen dan dibentuk dengan UU


VClass ke-3 pengganti pertemuan minggu ke-11
1. Tuliskan sejarah berdirinya Bank Central (BI)!
Bank Indonesia (BI) berasal dari De Javasche Bank N.V  yang merupakan Bank pemerintah Belanda yang didirikan pada tanggal 10 Oktober 1827. Tanggal 6 Desember 1951 dinasionalisir pemerintah Republik Indonesia dengan UU. 24 tahun 1951.
Dengan Penetapan Presiden No 17 tahun 1965, BI bersama Bank Koperasi Tani dan Nelayan, bank Negara Indonesia dan Bank Tabungan Negara dilebur menjadi Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Unit 1  Bank Sirkulasi, Bank Sentral dan Bank Umum. Bank Sentral dikukuhkan dengan UU No 13 1968 di perkuat dengan UU No 23 tahun 1999. 
Bank Sentral   merupakan bank yang mengatur berbagai kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan dunia perbankan dan dunia keuangan di suatu negara. Bank Sentral berpusat di Ibu Kota Negara, Jakarta, dan dibantu dengan Kantor Cabang diseluruh wilayah Indonesia (biasanya Ibu kota propinsi).


Director           : Hestu Saputra
Producer          : Dhamoo Punjabi, Manoj Punjabi
Cast                 : Chelsea Islan, Dion Wiyoko, Kimberly Ryder, Ferry Salim, Niniek L Karim,  Sellen Fernandez, Mike Muliyandro, Chyntia Lamusu
The violence that happened in Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia in May 1998 makes Merry Riana forced to flee to Singapore. Merry Riana’s father decided to send his daughter to Singapore because he was afraid of the unsafe condition. She went alone to Singapore with the support money that was only enough to buy food for five days. Fortunately, Merry Riana met with her best friend, Irene, who wanted to go to university in the there, too. With Irene’s help, Merry could live in a boarding house. She was also accepted in one of the best college there. But, it could only be reached if Merry paid $40,000. The only hope was to take  a loan college student that could only be obtained if Merry had a guarantor. Then, Merry met her senior, Alva, who was very reckoning. He gave many requirements before he finally agreed to help Merry. He also had Merry look for side job. Merry realized that she should be successful as soon as possible. She did various work, from spreading online business brochure, until playing withe high risky shares. The condition of her economy was moving up and down. Problem of love also occurred when Alva expressed his feeling to Merry. Meanwhile, Merry knew it well that Irene fell in love with Alva.

Moral Message
Film Motivator Indonesia, entitled this million dollar dream, tells about the struggle of a woman who where experiencing a crisis in the country of Indonesia. Which is where this woman and her family are desperate to go to singapore with makeshift money. The woman who had to struggle to pay the debt and pay for her own life, she was never tired and never shy of anything, so she managed to finish college at her own expense. But on the other hand this woman is looking for money continuously, there is a friend who reminded that life is not just money but need happiness. Then his friend said Life is not looking for the finish line, but how we can survive the finish line. 
From this million dollar film, I came to the conclusion that how we deal with the journey of life, from the failures, the bitterness of life, but all that can be accomplished with perseverance and prayer.

Director  : Rizal Mantovani
Producer : Sunil Soraya
Writer     : Donny Dhirgantoro
Cast       : Herjunot Ali, fedi nuril, Pevita Pearce, Saykoji, Denny Sumargo, raline shah

5 cm is a drama film with some adventure aspects about 5 best friends who go on a mountain climbing trip to Mahameru Peak (Sumeru Mt, the tallest volcano in Java), packed with some elements (love, comedy, nationalism, etc). The characters're introduced quite well in the beginning and developed well in the storyline which doesn't center only on one character (Zafran being the main character). Overall the acting's pretty good and the actors're able to send out the situations,so the audience may feel the same too. Soundtrack music's arranged and presented in the movie with the perfect timing. Most importantly the cinematography shows many wonderful natural sceneries in the settings.(in which got the film to win 2013 FFI's award for the best cinematographer). It also promotes a climbing spot option for the climbers to visit. In the end, there're also some enlightenments about each character and a good moral fiber for the viewers.
Moral Message
The film tells of the journey of a friendship that is always compact and united under any circumstances. In a travel holiday friendship is a lot of challenge time and other obstacles of each person. As I watch this movie I feel a very high life motivation, that we must remember everything we want to accomplish beautifully not just by desires but we need strength from ourselves, convince ourselves with positive beliefs that we able to get our ideals by involving all the energy and ourselves so that God and nature support all that we want to go. And let us not forget that the support of the friends we have today is very influential for the achievement that we want later. This film teaches me to continue to have the spirit, effort, positive thinking, praying, and good attitude to anyone to reach a point we want to achieve


1.      Nothing will ever come between (a. we / b. us) old friends.
Nothing will ever come between (b. us) old friends.

2.      Elly thinks that (a. she / b. her) and Jane can make us fight.
Elly thinks that (a. she) and Jane can make us fight.

3.      But what could break us up after all you and (a. I / have been through?
But what could break us up after all you and (a. I) have been through?

4.      The police say that Mazie and (a. they / b.them) can find the tools.
The police say that Mazie and (a. they / b.them) can find the tools.

5.      Mazie told Jorge and (a. I / b. me) about the search.
Mazie told Jorge and (a. I / b. me) about the search.

6.      Jorge has gone off looking for some of (a. they / b. them).
Jorge has gone off looking for some of (b. them).

7.      Some of these idea are completely new to Irene and (a. she / b. her).
Some of these idea are completely new to Irene and (b. her).

8.      Biff expects that his brothers and (a. he / b. him) can keep the store open while their father is gone.
Biff expects that his brothers and (a. he) can keep the store open while their father is gone.

9.      Their father has taught his wife and (a. they / b. them) most of the details.
Their father has taught his wife and (b. them) most of the details.

10.  People say that (a. we / b. us) young people are better educated than our parents are.
People say that (a. we) young people are better educated than our parents are.

11.  People who grew up fifty years ago usually went to small schools (a. his or her / b. their) own neighborhoods.
People who grew up fifty years ago usually went to small schools (b. their) own neighborhoods.

12.  Now our school board plans (a. its / b. their) programs for big merged schools.
Now our school board plans (b. their) programs for big merged schools.

13.  A woman who works still has the main responsibility for (a. her / b. their) household.
A woman who works still has the main responsibility for (a. her) household.

14.  Many todays husbands are less liberated than (a. his / b. their) wives.
Many todays husbands are less liberated than (b. their) wives.

15.  An ordinary person who goes into politics may have a hard time remembering what (a. his or her / b. their) motives were after a few years.
An ordinary person who goes into politics may have a hard time remembering what (a. his or her) motives were after a few years.

16.  A farmer in this area doesn’t have to worry about the rain spoilling (a. his or her / b.their) hay.
A farmer in this area doesn’t have to worry about the rain spoilling (a. his or her) hay.

17.  Everybody I know around here walks around with (a. his or her / b. their) headphones on all the time
Everybody I know around here walks around with (b. their) headphones on all the time

18.  People ought to realize that (a. he or she / b. they) might need to hear the sounds of traffic sometimes.
People ought to realize that (b. they) might need to hear the sounds of traffic sometimes.

19.  In anyone’s life, a time comes when (a. he or she / b. they) must make a difficult  choice.
In anyone’s life, a time comes when (b. they) must make a difficult  choice.

20.  One can’t avoid (a. his or her / b. their) basic responsibilities.
One can’t avoid (a. his or her) basic responsibilities.

21.  Most of them have (a. his or her / b. their) own umbrellas.
Most of them have (b. their) own umbrellas.

22.  Neither of the women             wants to take (a. her / b. their) car all that way.
Neither of the women             wants to take (b. their) car all that way.


In the paragraph below, some of the underlined pronouns are correct and some are not. After each underlined pronoun is a number. If the pronoun it marks is correct, mark C by the corresponding number in the list below the passage. If the pronoun it marks is incorrect, mark I beside the number in the list.

Memory treats people differently according to their personalities. For Jerry and me, it smooths over the rocky spots of our past, and makes us feel as if us two have lived charned lives. But it works differently for someone who expects thing to go perfectly for them all the time. My parents are like that. Their friends and them are always complaining about how things ought to have been. Everyone in their crowd acts as if life has cheated them. Mom and dad even talked that way during the big anniversary party jerry and me threw for his parents and they.

I'm just the opposite. For instance, I can remember the fact of someone who once loaned me their bike when I needed to get home fast for some emergency, but I can't remember what the emergency was all about. When people tell me their recollections of various events in my life, I'm always amazed at how my mind simply refuses to hold on to the unpleasant parts. But everybody has her own memory quirks. If a person wants to keep all the facts of their life straight, she should keep a daily journal. Even then, what the person writes in a journal at the end of 2-day depends on their memory, which is already busy rearranging the details. Nobody can expect to control her memory completely. If I can't control mine, I'm glad it does out pleasant images for me instead of the dismal kind my parents have to live with for the rest of their lives.

1.    C                           11.  I
2.    C                           12.  C
3.    I                             13.  I
4.    C                           14.  C
5.    C                           15.  I
6.    C                           16.  C
7.    I
8.    I
9.    I

10.  C

Pronouns Explanation

What is a Pronoun?
In grammar, a pronoun is defined as a word or phrase that may be substituted for a noun or noun phrase, which once replaced, is known as the pronoun’s antecedent. How is this possible? In a nutshell, it’s because pronouns can do everything that nouns can do. A pronoun can act as a subject, direct object, indirect object, object of the preposition, and more.
Without pronouns, we’d have to keep on repeating nouns, and that would make our speech and writing repetitive, not to mention cumbersome. Most pronouns are very short words. Examples include:
·   He
·   She
·   They
·   It
·   We
·   Who
As mentioned, pronouns are usually used to replace nouns, however they can also stand in for certain adverbsadjectives, and other pronouns. Anytime you want to talk about a person, animal, place or thing, you can use pronouns to make your speech or writing flow better.

Types of Pronouns

Pronouns can be divided into numerous categories including:
·         Indefinite pronouns – those referring to one or more unspecified objects, beings, or places
·         Personal pronouns – those associated with a certain person, thing, or group; all except you have distinct forms that indicate singular or plural number
·         Reflexive pronouns – those preceded by the adverb, adjective, pronoun, or noun to which they refer, and ending in –self or –selves
·         Demonstrative pronouns – those used to point to something specific within a sentence
·         Possessive pronouns – those designating possession or ownership
·         Relative pronouns – those which refer to nouns mentioned previously, acting to introduce an adjective (relative) clause
·         Interrogative pronouns – those which introduce a question
·         Reciprocal pronouns – those expressing mutual actions or relationship; i.e. one another
·         Intensive pronouns – those ending in –self or –selves and that serve to emphasize their antecedents

Pronoun Rules

There are a few important rules for using pronouns. As you read through these rules and the examples in the next section, notice how the pronoun rules are followed. Soon you’ll see that pronouns are easy to work with.
·         Subject pronouns may be used to begin sentences. For example: We did a great job.
·         Subject pronouns may also be used to rename the subject. For example: It was she who decided we should go to Hawaii.
·         Indefinite pronouns don’t have antecedents. They are capable of standing on their own. For example: No one likes the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard.
·         Object pronouns are used as direct objects, indirect objects, and objects of prepositions. These include: you, me, him, her, us, them, and it. For example: David talked to her about the mistake.
·         Possessive pronouns show ownership. They do not need apostrophes. For example: The cat washed its whiskers.

Examples of Pronouns

In the following examples, the pronouns are italicized.
1.      We are going on vacation.
2.      Don’t tell me that you can’t go with us.
3.      Anybody who says it won’t be fun has no clue what they are talking about.
4.      These are terribly steep stairs.
5.      We ran into each other at the mall.
6.      I’m not sure which is worse: rain or snow.
7.      It is one of the nicest Italian restaurants in town.
8.      Richard stared at himself in the mirror.
9.      The laundry isn’t going to do itself.
10.  Someone spilled orange juice all over the countertop!