Minggu, 22 April 2018

Etika & Profesionalisme TSI : "Jenis - Jenis Threat"

Nama  : Muhamad Ade Fauzi
NPM   : 16114887
Kelas   : 4KA23

Tugas 2 Vclass
Jenis - Jenis Ancaman (Threat) Pada Komputer ? Jelaskan 2 jenis ancaman tersebut!
Jawab :
Threat adalah seseorang atau pihak-pihak yang memiliki kemampuan dan keinginan untuk mengeksploitasi vulnerability yang ada dalam sebuah asset, Asset adalah segala sesuatu yang memiliki nilai, contoh dalam konteks security misalnya informasi, hardware, properti intelektual, gengsi, dan reputasi. Resiko harus didefinisikan secara eksplisit, misalnya "resiko adanya compromise terhadap integritas dari database customer kita" atau "resiko adanya denial of service terhadap portal banking kita." Resiko sering diungkapkan dengan risk equation (persamaan resiko).
Threat dapat dibagi  menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu :
-          Threat Terstruktur
-          Threat tidak Terstruktur
Threat terstruktur adalah "musuh-musuh" dengan metodologi formal, sponsor finansial, dan tujuan yang jelas. Beberapa contoh diantaranya adalah mata-mata ekonomi, organisasi kriminal, teroris, agen intelejen asing, dan pihak yang menamakan diri mereka information warriors.

Threat tidak terstruktur tidak memiliki metodologi, finansial, dan tujuan seperti pada kategori terstruktur. Para pelaku biasanya hanya melakukan serangan karena rasa penasaran, atau mungkin hanya script code otomatis berjalan. Threat tidak terstruktur termasuk "cracker musiman", malware yang disebarkan tanpa tujuan yang pasti dan user internal yang tidak berwenang.

Jenis – jenis threat :
-          Adware
-          Backdoor trojan
-          Bluejacking
-          Bluesnarfing
-          Boot sector viruses
-          Browser hijackers
-          Chain letters
-          Cookies
-          Denial of service attack
-          Dialers
-          Internet worms
-          Pharming
-          Phising
-          Ransomeware
-          Rootkit

Penjelasan threat :
-          Phising
suatu metode yang di gunakan hacker untuk mencuri password dengan cara mengelabui target menggunakan fake form login pada situs palsu yang menyerupai situs aslinya.
Contoh :          Alamat situs facebook.meretas.com sangat berbeda dengan meretas.facebook.com meskipun kelihatannya sama dan cuma di bolak balik saja tapi ternyata sangat berbeda. Pada facebook.meretas.com domain utamanya adalah meretas.com , sedangkan kata ‘facebook’ di awalnya nya adalah subdomain yang artinya adalah bagian dari situs meretas.com , sedangkan meretas.facebook.com domain utamanya adalah facebook, meskipun hanya sebagai contoh saja meretas di depan adalah bagian dari facebook itu sendiri.

-          Rootkit adalah kumpulan software yang dirancang untuk menyembunyikan proses, file dan data system yang berjalan dilatar belakang dari sebuah Operating system. Awalnya program ini tidak berbahaya, tetapi program ini sering dimanfaatkan oleh pembuat malware untuk melindungi program jahatnya agar tidak diketahui oleh System maupun antivirus.
Contoh            :          Library Rootkit

Rootkit jenis ini menyerang pada library system. Biasanya library ini digunakan oleh programmer untuk mempermudah dalam membuat, maupun mengembangkan aplikasi Library berekstensi dan lain sebagainya.

Rabu, 04 April 2018


If you are a interational student looking to study in a university in an English speaking country, then you may need to take a TOEFL test. TOEFL is an acronym of the Test of English as a Foreign Language, which is the official name for the test. It assesses your ability to both speak and understand English by analysing your English ability in terms of reading, speaking, listening and writing. These are all skills which will be needed to carry out your academic studies and the test is used by institutions to ensure students are able to proceed and succeed on their chosen course in a country where the curriculum is taught in English. The TOEFL test is usually conducted in the form of an online test, but if the test centre does not have an internet connection then a paper-based test can be offered.
The TOEFL test has been taken by over 27 million people worldwide to ensure their English ability is adequate. The test is often taken by students who are planning to study at a university abroad and scholarship candidates, along with students and workers who are applying for visas and English-language learners tracking their English progress. Keep an eye out on the requirements for university courses, as it will be stated there whether you are required to take the TOEFL and the minimum grade required to apply for the course.


Educational institutions and governmental agencies in over 130 countries accept TOEFL scores when considering applications for certain positions or courses. As an admission requirement, you may find that some courses require a minimum TOEFL score which will allow you to proceed onto the course alongside the regular course requirements. Minimum score requirements can range between 61 and 100 depending on the institution and course.
The result you receive in your TOEFL test will only be valid for two years, after those two years they are no longer recorded, so if you’re looking to apply to study abroad after this time, you will have to sit the test again. It is important to ensure you take the test in time for your application if the result is part of the requirements; if you are only studying a course which lasts a year the same TOEFL results could be used to improve your opportunities for work in a foreign country also.
If it is part of the requirements for your admission then it is important to research in more depth and be prepared for the different elements of the test. Here are the different elements of each test: 


Internet test (TOEFL iBT)

·         A reading section of between 60-100 minutes which involves reading 3-5 passages, containing 12-14 question in each
·         A listening section of between 60-90 minutes which involves 6-9 passages, containing 5-6 questions in each
·         A speaking section which lasts 20 minutes and involves 6 spoken tasks
·         A writing section which last 50 minutes and involves 2 tasks which need completion

Paper-based test (TOEFL PBT)

·         A listening section of between 30-40 minutes consisting of 3 parts
·         A structure and written expression section lasting 25 minutes which includes 15 exercises of sentence completion and 25 examples for error identification
·         A reading section which lasts 50 minutes and includes answering 50 questions about passages
·         A writing section which lasts 30 minutes, which involves one written essay containing around 250-300 words
The main difference between the two formats is the spoken section of the test which is replaced by structure and written expressions section in the paper-based test.


How to achieve a high score on these exams is always a top priority for students. However in this article we will only talk about the TOEFL.  TOEFL, short for Test of English as a Second Language is a world wide administered test for the sole purpose of evaluating an individual’s ability to understand and use English. 
What is a Good TOETL Score? 
 How to Get a High Score on TOEFL is dependent on many factors. Different schools have come up with their minimum performance in the TOEFL test in order to be considered for a particular program. For instance, say you are applying to Columbia University and require a TOEFL score of 80 for admittance to study your chosen course. Any performance less that 80 would be consider by the university is a bad score and therefore your admission rejected. However, this particular score may be a “go” for another university – say University of Central Oklahoma . Also note that this exam is a mandatory requirement in others schools
Even though, as mentioned earlier, there is actually no overall good or bad score, there is a general verdict on how good or bad a score is. This verdict is given by the company responsible for making the TOEFL and is known as ETS. For the sake of uniformity, they set an official level for performance of the TOEFL score: this is usually stated in a document they call performance feedback. The feedback that ETS gives is based on three levels of performance: high, intermediate and low.
·         HIGH
When your performance falls under the high level, there is a high chance that you are qualified to be admitted by the best of schools. As long as the school accepts this exam, you automatically meet their standard in that regard.

While falling under this level may not qualify you for admission into all schools, you can be sure to meet the requirement for most schools. They may not be your desired school, but are definitely good ones.
·         LOW
This is the level you should never wish to fall under. When your TOEFL scores are low, hardly any good school would want to admit you. Very few institutions accept candidates that fall under this category. It just might be as good as taking another test.

1.      Practice, Practice And Then Practice Some More

·         Don’t take the test too soon. If you can afford to postpone the test for a few more months, you will gain more time to prepare. Do not sign up until you feel 99% ready. This means you will probably score higher. But be careful: You must make a commitment to yourself to use the extra time to study intensively or you may forget what you learned.
·         Make a study plan and stick to it. See how many practice tests and resources you can get access to and make a plan. You should regularly take practice tests. Try to take one every week or every two weeks. Remember the questions that you most often get wrong, and practice those areas of English. Spend the rest of your time improving your general level of English. If you don’t have access to as many practice tests as you’d like, you can create your own.
·         Pretend you are taking the exam. Save seven practice tests for the week before the exam. Wake up every day like you would on the day of the actual exam and pretend it’s the real thing. Take a full test every day, in exam conditions, and try to imagine you are at the exam. No dictionary, no phone, no help. Time yourself and stop when the time has ended. You will probably feel quite nervous, but that is a good thing! Overcoming nerves is something you need to do. Once you learn how to control your own level of stress, chances are good that the actual exam will seem just like another practice session. You will feel more familiar with the situation, and you will probably feel more confident and prepared.
·         Have a teacher or friend help with speaking and writing. You’ll probably be able to do reading and listening practice by yourself, but you are going to need someone to read your writing samples and listen to your speaking. You need some feedback. Ideally, this person should be a teacher or native speaker of English, but anyone who can speak really good English can help you.

2.      Know All the Directions

All tests are created equal in terms of difficulty and what you have to do. You are going to read the same directions on every TOEFL test you take. These directions tell you what task you have to do (reading, writing, answering questions) and how much time you have to do that task.

3.      Time Is Not the Enemy

Time is not the enemy…if you know how to use it. Keep one eye on the title and directions on your computer screen, but focus on the questions. Don’t waste time on minor issues, like one specific word you don’t know or can’t remember. If this is just one question, it is better to guess the answer than waste 5 valuable minutes thinking about it.

Just think about how many correct answers you can get in 5 minutes. You can go more quickly through easier questions, gaining you more points.

4.      Focus on Grammar and Vocabulary

Don’t forget that this is a test of how much English you know. All languages are, in the end, about words (vocabulary) and how you connect those words (grammar). You need to prove your knowledge of English is at the right level for you to pass the test. How do you that?
·         Learn a few new words and expressions every day. Make your own sentences with them. If you just try to memorize them without using them in context, your memorization won’t work. You have to practice new words so they become a part of your active vocabulary. Your active vocabulary are all the words you can remember and use easily. This means you’ll be able to use them in speaking and writing without thinking too much. Here are some really good resources to help you improve your vocabulary and grammar.
·         Prove you learned those words. Try to include them in your speaking and writing practice.
·         Only use the words you know. On the exam, avoid using words and structures you are not sure about.
5.      Take Good Notes
Practice note-taking when reading and listening in your spare time. You can do this while relaxing with an article in your favorite magazine or a documentary. You can also work with more exam-like texts and academic lectures. Write down information using key words (the most important words) and symbols to save time.
6.      Reading And Listening
Practice by reading academic texts and listening to lectures and by doing exam-like practice tests. Look for the main ideas. They are usually signposted (marked) with discourse markers. Click that link to learn more about discourse markers. Basically, they are common phrases that introduce information. After you learn what they look like, you will see them everywhere.
7.      Speaking and Writing
To practice speaking and writing you are going to need a partner to work with, ideally a teacher or a friend with good English skills. But you don’t need a partner to be there for you all the time. You can practice speaking by recording yourself and then listening to yourself. You can read writing samples to see how your writing compares.
8.      Work on Your Attitude
Everybody has exam nerves. Some level of stress is good because it can help you focus on your goals and motivate you. But if you worry too much, you will not be able to prove your real English skill level in the exam. You will answer questions wrong or make mistakes because you are too nervous and not paying attention to the exam. Remain calm and confident, and do not let that happen!

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